23 Best good morning love quotes for him
I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.
A person learns how to love himself through the simple acts of loving and being loved by someone else.
I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands.
But that afternoon he asked himself, with his infinite capacity for illusion, if such pitiless indifference might not be a subterfuge for hiding the torments of love.
She soared above the ground, and he kept her tethered to the earth. Without him she would be lost among the clouds.
You'll never be able to let him go. You'll always feel wrong about being with me.
He didn't mind how he looked to other people, because the nursery magic had made him Real, and when you are Real shabbiness doesn't matter.
I loved him as we always love for the first time; with idolatry and wild passion.
She blushed and so did he. She greeted him in a faltering voice, and he spoke to her without knowing what he was saying.
Don't be afraid to lose him, because if a man truly loves you, he's not going anywhere.
Don’t marry him. Don’t be with him. Be with me.
Believing doesn't make God real. Unbelief doesn't make Him disappear. Your opinion doesn’t change reality.
Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.
Then I realize what it is. It's him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames.
Falling for him would be like cliff diving. It would be either the most exhilarating thing that ever happened to me or the stupidest mistake I’d ever make.
I don't care if you danced naked on the roof of the Little Palace with him. I love you, Alina, even the part of you that loved him.
I miss him in so many ways, but right now I miss him in the way you always miss someone when you're single among a room full of couples.
If you didn't love him, this never would have happened. But you did. And accepting that love and everything that followed it is part of letting it go.
He folded his fear into a perfect rose. He held it out in the palm of his hand. She took it from him and put it in her hair.
It's like I'm thirteen again and he's my crush. All I'm aware of in this entire roomful of people is him. Where he is, what he's doing, who he's talking to.
...Despite the mayhem that followed, Bruno found that he was still holding Shmuel's hand in his own and nothing in the world would have persuaded him to let go.
He promised her that he would give her everything, everything she wanted, as men in love always do. And she trusted him despite herself, as women in love always do.
He’s dozed off again, but I kiss him awake, which seems to startle him. Then he smiles as if he’d be happy to lie there gazing at me forever.
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