39 Best truth of life quotes in english two lines
Accept yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your truths, and know what tools you have to fulfill your purpose .
Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth .
To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues .
Learning the truth has become my life's love .
Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves, but deal in our privacy with the last honesty and truth .
Sometimes you lie to deceive people. Sometimes you lie because you need the lie to become the truth .
If there is any truth in the world, it lies when I’m with you .
The bittersweet about truth is that nothing could be more hurtful, yet nothing could be more helpful .
The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth .
A harmful truth is better than a useful lie .
Lies don't end relationships the truth does .
Alive or dead, the truth won't rest. Rise up while you can .
We have our Arts so we won't die of Truth .
Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness. .
The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth .
I'm not mean, I'm honest. Nobody is ever straightforward. But sometimes people need to hear the truth .
Scepticism is the first step towards truth .
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is .
Don't worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth .
A faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets .
But no. There is a difference between the truth and what we wish were true .
In practical life we are compelled to follow what is most probable ; in speculative thought we are compelled to follow truth .
The truth is what I cherish and that's my strength .
She believes that Tobias belongs to her now. She doesn't know the truth, that he belongs to himself .
Faith and Reason are like two wings of the human spirit by which is soars to the truth .
All people know the same truth. Our lives consist of how we choose to distort it .
Better to illuminate than merely to shine to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate .
If you're not gonna tell the truth, then why start talking? .
Some truths are truths, no matter who says them .
The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists .
Remember, any lie you are told, even deliberately, is often a more significant fact than a truth told in all sincerity .
Philosophy cannot be taught; it is the application of the sciences to truth .
A lie, sometimes, can be truer than the truth, which is why fiction gets written .
Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable .
Truth is beauty .
I've nothing against people who love truth. Apart from the fact that they make dull companions .
Politics determines who has the power, not who has the truth .
The truth has become an insult .
A little truth seasons a lie like salt .
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