48 Best woman of faith quotes
Faith is placing your fate in the hands of a God who never fails.
Faith is when you see the prospect of success, even when you are not certain about the process.
Faith is the acknowledgement of the power of a God you have never met.
Faith is the anticipation of possibilities, even when faced with impossibilities.
Faith is the choice not to focus on the hazard at hand but on the hand of God.
Faith is the constant pursuit of the face of God and the belief that one day, you shall see His face.
Faith is the courage to let your mind visualize what lies ahead as you protect your heart from being troubled by what happened in the past.
Faith is the determination to believe that God is still God whether He answers your prayer or not.
Faith is the eagerness to pray and hope for the best, even if your circumstance is too bad.
Faith is the force you apply to stop the enemy from forcing you to fear.
Faith is the garment you put on to brace any kind of storm because you know you will conquer by the power of the Mighty God.
Faith is the hunger to be faithful in your walk with God.
Faith is the keenness to wait upon the Lord, regardless of whether your prayer is answered or not.
Faith is the practical process of interacting with God through prayer and trusting Him regardless of the circumstances.
Faith is a decision to look beyond what happened and focus on what can happen, when God lays His hand on you.
Faith is a decision to put aside what you think you know, and pay attention to the God who knows what you do not know.
Faith is a discretion to create no space for doubt. No matter how much it attempts to creep into your mind.
Faith is a Divine passcode that enables you to access the Throne of Grace.
Faith is a golden way of holding on to the promises of God.
Faith is a sincere belief in God, even if you are going through the most, because you comprehend that He is not defined by the circumstances.
Faith is a licence to access the presence of God.
Faith is a personal decision to encounter the power of God upon your life.
Faith is a persuasion to renounce being doubtful and embrace being hopeful.
Faith is a pertinent decision followed by a purposeful action to possess the promises of God.
Faith is a privilege given to humanity, so they can use it to their advantage.
Faith is a process whereby you hold on to God’s promises because you know that he will fulfil each one of them.
Faith is a prudent investment in your spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing by following God’s will.
Faith is a quest to give God your hand so that He can walk you to the Promised Land.
Faith is the tenacity to trust God, even if He does not give you what you prayed for.
Faith is a reverence for God as the only Author of Life.
Faith is a route taken to trust God’s process even if you may not fully understand His plan.
Faith is a stance you take as you say, “I will trust God for my miracles, even in the face of obstacles.
Faith is a state of mind that reminds you to rise, shine and make an impact in life.
Faith is a state of total dependence on God, no matter what is going on.
Faith is a supernatural process of connecting to the Heavenly realms for supernatural encounters.
Faith is a symbol of recognition of God’s protection upon your life.
Faith is about recognizing that your life is in God’s hands, and that in His hands, there is greatness.
Faith is acknowledging God’s authority and recognizing that you are a child of destiny.
Faith is all about looking up to the hills, even if circumstances keep pulling you down to the pit.
Faith is an act of believing in God for more, even when you have nothing left, because you comprehend that He can change your circumstance.
Faith is a strong inclination towards God’s ways, again and again, because you know what His Word says.
Faith is an iron that flattens the creases of fear in our minds.
Faith is the key to every success, empirical or philosophical. Spirituality demands it most.
You don’t see the light sometimes but that shouldn’t stop you from having the faith. This festival let us light up our hope too.
You can’t bullshit your heart, you’ve to have a real faith that things will be better.
Believe it with a faith that will move mountains and shake trees.
With faith you can overcome the many trials you may faced.
Faith is a commitment to stay focused on the fulfilment of God’s promises.
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