18 Best truth of life quotes in hindi
Without balance, a life is no longer worth the effort .
This had seemed a safe choice, since to be against the Beatles (late-middle period) is to be against life .
You were the hardest year of my life and I’ve never been so happy. What does that say about me?.
I would rather die an individual than live my life as a clone.
All idealisation makes life poorer. To beautify it is to take away its character of complexity — it is to destroy it.
How you approach birth is intimately connected with how you approach life.
Life is just a short period of time in which you are alive.
Take each day in your open palms and close your fists around it. This life is not done with you yet.
Life without any wonder left in it is flat and stale.
Only knowledge can turn life's unbearableness into a weapon.
However cozy things seemed, the facts of life were the same. You couldn't escape death: It would get us all in the end.
DNA tells you all the secrets of life,’ he used to say. Except for one—how to live it.
To become a lifelong reader, one has to do a lot of varied and interesting reading.
There are few things in life worse than a long-winded lawyer.
Simple the life, simpler will be your instincts, the laws that govern universe will obey your simplicity.
Loving the same man or woman all your life, why, that's like supposing the same candle could last you all your life.
The best way to show people true things is from a direction that they had not imagined the truth coming.
It is better to be divided by truth than united in error.