15 Best true romance quotes
True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning .
The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true .
So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love .
True love is finding your soulmate in your best friend .
I would know you anywhere for my true love. Whoever I was and whoever you were, I would know you at once for my true love .
Let's still be friends" (things that are never true in a break up, but you have to say) .
Love expands your soul with something inexplicably fulfilling. If you die without ever having experienced it, you will miss life's only true joy .
The Cycle of True Love: First I see and think I love, then I say I know I love, today and forever more I decide to love.
True love, Hilo mused, was sensual and euphoric, but also painful and tyrannical, demanding obedience.
Sometimes, the only way to make your dreams come true is to shatter them.
It was heaven. Forget angels, forget St. Peter and glittering harpsichords. Heaven was a dance in the arms of one's true love.
For a woman to deny the necessity of true love in her life would be to deny herself, and her creator.
True vice, my lady, would frighten us all, if it did not wear the mask of virtue. (p.56).
If hate motivates your life, you'll never know the meaning of true love.
If you can't focus then how do you expect to make your dreams come true?.
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