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38 Best science quotes jekyll and hyde

  1. It is ludicrous to mistake the Bible and the Koran for primers of natural science.

    __ Theodosius Dobzhansky
  2. Stick with science, trust what has been proven and replicated numerous times, you can’t go wrong with that.

    __ Patrick Heller
  3. Science was reason’s triumph, we had been so pridefully taught, the defeat of the Beast. But what happened when the Beast learned science?.

    __ Arthur Miller,
  4. For what good is knowing, unless it is coupled with caring? Science can give us knowing, but caring comes from someplace else.

    __ Robin Wall Kimmerer
  5. Science fiction of today, may become science fact of tomorrow.

    __ G. M.
  6. No one can know what it feels like to be anyone else. That is a mystery science will never penetrate.

  7. Most of the subjects and objects of science and technology are just a copy of nature, but not pure invention.

  8. The same imagination which has produced great works of science and literature has also produced all the absurdities of mythology and religion.

  9. Religion that doesn't evolve destroys the world in the name of faith and science that doesn't evolve destroys the world in the name of advancement.

  10. In science it's not the research that counts, but how it helps the people.

  11. It's better to have no science than to have a science without accountability.

  12. Alleviation of human suffering should be the direct outcome of science, not a collateral byproduct.

  13. When it comes to revolutionizing science, what matters is quality of thought, not quantity of true believers.

    __ Lee Smolin
  14. I believe that integrating science concepts into exciting stories is the best way for students to learn.

    __ Peter Solomon
  15. Science is of no value unless it is accompanied by social concern.

    __ Fritjof Capra
  16. Who are you going to believe? Leading authorities on medical science, or 800 memes on your cousin’s Facebook page?.

    __ Samantha Bee
  17. ...as so often in science, statements touted as facts turn out to be opinions contradicted by other opinions that are also touted as facts.

    __ Graham Hancock
  18. She saw that magic and science were heads and tails of the same bright coin.

  19. It’s not science until somebody writes it down.

    __ Seanan McGuire
  20. Flawed as it is, Science remains the most solid god ive got. Science has the answer to ever question that can be asked.

  21. Science, unlike god favors all.

    __ Mantaranjot Mangat
  22. Science depends on dialectic in which only when thesis and antithesis are developed can there be an ultimate synthesis.

    __ Stephen M. Kosslyn
  23. Pure logic could never lead us to anything but tautologies; it can create nothing new; not from it alone can any science issue.

    __ Henri Poincaré
  24. Science is a way humans try to tell themselves the truths.

  25. Science concerns with 'how it happens'. That is not the complete description of reality until we also know 'why it happens'.

    __ Salman Ahmed Shaikh
  26. Harm comes to science not by people hoping to find a particular result but by people trying to suppress results that go against their hopes.

    __ Douglas Axe
  27. I am a scientist, but my allegiance is not to science, it is to humanity.

  28. Study divine science, the holy scriptures.

  29. Science says you're a bitch!.

    __ Wes Watson
  30. Few laymen understand that the synthesizing theories of Science are religious revelations in disguise.

    __ John Taylor Gatto
  31. Not only were science and religion compatible, they were inseparable--the rise of science was achieved by deeply religious Christian scholars..

    __ Rodney Stark
  32. If you can’t appreciate science and religion at the same time, your life must be scary.

    __ Vizi Andrei
  33. The Impossible of Yesterday is the Science of Today.

    __ Rishabh Dubey
  34. Science and politics only rarely work well together.

    __ David Øybo
  35. One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike -- and yet it is the most precious thing we have.

  36. I want to put on the table, not why 85% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject God, I want to know why 15% of the National Academy don’t.

  37. Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.

    __ Max Planck,
  38. It has become almost a cliché to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature, but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics.

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Theodosius Dobzhansky Quotes | It is ludicrous to mistake the Bible
Patrick  Heller Quotes | Stick with science, trust what has been
Arthur Miller Quotes | Science was reason’s triumph, we had been
Robin Wall Kimmerer Quotes | For what good is knowing, unless it
G M Quotes | Science fiction of today, may become science
Marty Rubin Quotes | No one can know what it feels
Ehsan Sehgal Quotes | Most of the subjects and objects of
Marty Rubin Quotes | The same imagination which has produced great
Abhijit Naskar Quotes | Religion that doesn
Abhijit Naskar Quotes | In science it
Abhijit Naskar Quotes | It
Abhijit Naskar Quotes | Alleviation of human suffering should be the
Lee Smolin Quotes | When it comes to revolutionizing science, what
Peter Solomon Quotes | I believe that integrating science concepts into
Fritjof Capra Quotes | Science is of no value unless it
Samantha Bee Quotes | Who are you going to believe? Leading
Graham Hancock Quotes | ...as so often in science, statements touted
Laini Taylor Quotes | She saw that magic and science were
Seanan McGuire Quotes | It’s not science until somebody writes it
Mary Roach Quotes | Flawed as it is, Science remains the
Mantaranjot Mangat Quotes | Science, unlike god favors all.
Stephen M Kosslyn Quotes | Science depends on dialectic in which only
Henri Poincaré Quotes | Pure logic could never lead us to
Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel Quotes | Science is a way humans try to
Salman Ahmed Shaikh Quotes | Science concerns with
Douglas Axe Quotes | Harm comes to science not by people
Abhijit Naskar Quotes | I am a scientist, but my allegiance
Lailah Gifty Akita Quotes | Study divine science, the holy scriptures.
Wes Watson Quotes | Science says you
John Taylor Gatto Quotes | Few laymen understand that the synthesizing theories
Rodney Stark Quotes | Not only were science and religion compatible,
Vizi Andrei Quotes | If you can’t appreciate science and religion
Rishabh Dubey Quotes | The Impossible of Yesterday is the Science
David Øybo Quotes | Science and politics only rarely work well
Albert Einstein Quotes | One thing I have learned in a
Neil deGrasse Tyson Quotes | I want to put on the table,
Max Planck Quotes | Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of
Richard Dawkins Quotes | It has become almost a cliché to

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