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41 Best relationships quotes in english

  1. Without such trust and safety, social relationships tend to become strategic rather than cooperative, increasingly full of skepticism and even anxiety and fear about others' intentions. (p. 27).

    __ Donald Rothberg
  2. The most empowering relationships are those in which each partner lifts the other to a higher possession of their own being.

  3. Relationships that are merely based on practicality or utility will ultimately make us feel lonely.

    __ Tatjana Ostojic
  4. Sometimes I feel like relationships consist of telling your same life stories to different people until someone finally appreciates them.

    __ Kate Rockland
  5. Strong relationships come from well-bonded friendships.

  6. Sound crazy? It may well be, but it is precisely in relationships of intimacy that your craziness (and mine) will be hardest to conceal. p.215.

    __ Stephanie Dowrick
  7. Don't be too busy climbing the ladder of success and forget your most cherished relationships (friends, family, spouse, etc). EnjoyLife!.

    __ Bernard Kelvin Clive
  8. Never enter relationships. Otherwise, suffer the pains that come with it. Enjoy your individuality while you can.

    __ Arnold Arre
  9. Baths, she thought, were just like her relationships, all "ooh, ah" in the beginning and then suddenly, without warning, she had to get out, out, out!.

    __ Liane Moriarty
  10. I was always moved when mean people were suddenly nice to me. It was a weakness that would lead me into some bad relationships later in life.

    __ Heather O'Neill
  11. The best foundation for relationships to grow, flourish, and succeed is a deep-rooted friendship.

  12. When it comes to relationships, I find it best to have two feet out the door.

    __ Josh Stern
  13. Relationships should be like glass .... No matter who sees from what angel .... It should be transparent.

    __ Adil Adam Memon
  14. Was Deirdre right about me purposely wanting relationships that were impossible?.

  15. Honor your relationships by developing listening skills.

  16. Life, weddings, relationships, road trips, gardening, making out, haircuts: few of the fun things in life always go as expected.

    __ Ariel Meadow Stallings
  17. I don’t have cookie-cutter relationships, Rumi. Women aren’t iPhone apps that I download and discard!.

    __ Natasha Ahmed
  18. Relationships tend to be flawed because they are made up of inherently flawed components, mere human beings.

    __ Anthony D. Ravenscroft
  19. People should never start relationships based on how they feel (connect), but on how compatible they are because compatibility is what connects them and not their emotions.

    __ Kabelo Mabona
  20. Relationships are not difficult, people are.

  21. Crystal needed a plan; a procedure for dealing with her feelings… That was the problem with relationships. They defied logic.

    __ Laelia Starla
  22. Relationships are not any kind of agreements. We cannot treat them as Contract and we cannot apply the rule of contracts to break the relationships.

    __ Dheeraj Sharma
  23. Great relationships are the key to personal and professional success.

    __ Patrick Galvin
  24. Our relationships are what encourage the heart and nourish the soul.

    __ Glenn Van Ekeron
  25. Sometimes the best way to fight for your relationships is by refusing to fight with your loved ones.

  26. Relationships should not be transactionally bound.

    __ Mohith Agadi
  27. Maybe those relationships cracked for a reason—to let the light in.

    __ Katherine McIntyre
  28. Why do people let their lives be eaten up by boring jobs and unsatisfying relationships?.

  29. revolution cannot be created by conforming to existing roles in relationships already defined by the systems we want to overthrow.

    __ Adrienne Maree Brown
  30. Do you place more value on relationships or things?.

  31. Do not work on keeping relationships in your life; work on keeping life in your relationships.

  32. Instinct is the great director in the formation of all relationships.

  33. Taking personal responsibility out of human relationships is like taking the blue out of the sky.

  34. Anyone who tells you relationships are easy is a damn liar.

    __ Siobhan Davis
  35. Relationships, like an exquisite garden do not thrive on granite. Find the valley where the bright foliage permeates the landscape; this is where you plant the flowers.

    __ Gandolfo – (RJ Intindola) – 1982
  36. Relationships are the worst.

  37. If you can't say no in relationships, then you can't be intimate.

    __ Christie Tate
  38. When it comes to love and relationships most of us fail our way to success.

    __ Kevin Darné
  39. Take it from me, all dependent relationships with drugs and alcohol end in divorce or death.

    __ D.C. Hyden
  40. Relationships are like recipes. You add two cups of sugar when the recipe calls for one and then you wonder why it turns to sh*t!.

  41. Invest in relationships to avoid time repairing them.

Download relationships quotes in english free images

Donald Rothberg Quotes | Without such trust and safety, social relationships
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Quotes | The most empowering relationships are those in
Tatjana Ostojic Quotes | Relationships that are merely based on practicality
Kate Rockland Quotes | Sometimes I feel like relationships consist of
Jonathan Anthony Burkett Quotes | Strong relationships come from well-bonded friendships.
Stephanie Dowrick Quotes | Sound crazy? It may well be, but
Bernard Kelvin Clive Quotes | Don
Arnold Arre Quotes | Never enter relationships. Otherwise, suffer the pains
Liane Moriarty Quotes | Baths, she thought, were just like her
Heather ONeill Quotes | I was always moved when mean people
Jonathan Anthony Burkett Quotes | The best foundation for relationships to grow,
Josh Stern Quotes | When it comes to relationships, I find
Adil Adam Memon Quotes | Relationships should be like glass .... No
Richelle Mead Quotes | Was Deirdre right about me purposely wanting
Allan Lokos Quotes | Honor your relationships by developing listening skills.
Ariel Meadow Stallings Quotes | Life, weddings, relationships, road trips, gardening, making
Natasha Ahmed Quotes | I don’t have cookie-cutter relationships, Rumi. Women
Anthony D Ravenscroft Quotes | Relationships tend to be flawed because they
Kabelo Mabona Quotes | People should never start relationships based on
DrB! Quotes | Relationships are not difficult, people are.
Laelia Starla Quotes | Crystal needed a plan; a procedure for
Dheeraj  Sharma Quotes | Relationships are not any kind of agreements.
Patrick  Galvin Quotes | Great relationships are the key to personal
Glenn Van Ekeron Quotes | Our relationships are what encourage the heart
Curtis Tyrone Jones Quotes | Sometimes the best way to fight for
Mohith Agadi Quotes | Relationships should not be transactionally bound.
Katherine McIntyre Quotes | Maybe those relationships cracked for a reason—to
Marty Rubin Quotes | Why do people let their lives be
Adrienne Maree Brown Quotes | revolution cannot be created by conforming to
Frank Sonnenberg Quotes | Do you place more value on relationships
Omar Cherif Quotes | Do not work on keeping relationships in
Donna Goddard Quotes | Instinct is the great director in the
Marty Rubin Quotes | Taking personal responsibility out of human relationships
Siobhan Davis Quotes | Anyone who tells you relationships are easy
Gandolfo – (RJ Intindola) – 1982 Quotes | Relationships, like an exquisite garden do not
AD Aliwat Quotes | Relationships are the worst.
Christie Tate Quotes | If you can
Kevin Darné Quotes | When it comes to love and relationships
DC Hyden Quotes | Take it from me, all dependent relationships
Vindy Teja Quotes | Relationships are like recipes. You add two
Frank Sonnenberg Quotes | Invest in relationships to avoid time repairing

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