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31 Best never give up hope quotes

  1. It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.

    __ John Guare
  2. No, our science is no illusion. But an illusion it would be to suppose that what science cannot give us we can get elsewhere.

  3. The sooner you make a mistake and learn to live with it, the better. You're not responsible for everything. You can't control the way things end up.

    __ Courtney Summers
  4. That's everyone's dream, isn't it, really? Instead of many who give you little pieces of themselves-one who gives you everything.

  5. We all give up great expectations along the way.

  6. The way to screw up somebody's life is to give them what they want.

    __ Patrick Swayze
  7. Let there be room left in your heart for the unimaginable ~ serendipity has a way of showing itself just when you feel like giving up.

  8. If you hit bottom, there's a whole lot of people here to help you up.

  9. Your mother sets you up blind dates? With guys like that?" The corners of his mouth twitched. "She doesn't like you very much, does she?.

    __ Kelley Armstrong
  10. What can you do how much can you give to bring grace and salvation unto even one soul.

    __ Bree Despain
  11. Maybe the future is like rowing for shore. Your only choice is to try or give up.

    __ Kristen Chandler
  12. Perhaps what matters when all is said and done is not who puts us down but who picks us up.

    __ Kate DiCamillo
  13. Excuse me, I feel interrupted and I think I've overdose from the idea of loving you.

  14. There is no such thing as helplessness. It's just another word for giving up.

    __ Jefferson Smith
  15. The path i walk lights up in flames.

    __ R. Karim
  16. You can give illness to her body but you can't take the gypsy out of that girl.

  17. Sometimes people need to know they could be forgiven to have the strength to change.

    __ J. Leigh Bralick
  18. Love as a concrete foundation for an authentically functional civilization requires the around-the-clock labors of forgiveness. Without it, Love fails, Friendship fails, Intelligence fails, Humanity: fails.

  19. Look up.

    __ Luanne Rice
  20. Nevertheless, in this sea of human wretchedness and malice there bloomed at times compassion, as a pale flower blooms in a putrid marsh.

    __ Henryk Sienkiewicz
  21. Healing Follows Forgiveness.

    __ Pat Bluth
  22. A King and Queen cannot support a crown with eyes looking down. Their universe expands as far as you can see.

  23. There I was, waiting, afraid I’d never experience the kind of joy yet to come, but hoping for it just the same.

    __ Elizabeth Berg,
  24. ... omniscience about life and death is not within a physician's purview. A doctor should never write off a person a priori.

    __ Jerome Groopman, MD
  25. A changed soul, a forgiven heart, a journey of transformation.

    __ Chimnese Davids
  26. You only feel powerless because your fear has given your power to the object of your fear. Once you realise this, you can claim it back.

  27. Never take today for granted, tomorrow might never come.

    __ Matt Vella
  28. So much of how we think, feel, and live depends on our vision-what we choose to see in any given situation.

    __ Jocelyn Green
  29. Dullness it is that perverts and corrups the spirit but it is always possible to look past the dullness, and see the bright, shining heart of things.

  30. Society guides us on the never ending journey to obtain instant gratification.

  31. The body receives a surge of energy in the form of sugar when consuming unhealthy snacks. What goes up must come down.

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John Guare Quotes | It
Sigmund Freud Quotes | No, our science is no illusion. But
Courtney Summers Quotes | The sooner you make a mistake and
Cassandra Clare Quotes | That
Carlos Ruiz Zafón Quotes | We all give up great expectations along
Patrick Swayze Quotes | The way to screw up somebody
Nikki Rowe Quotes | Let there be room left in your
Suzanne Collins Quotes | If you hit bottom, there
Kelley Armstrong Quotes | Your mother sets you up blind dates?
Bree Despain Quotes | What can you do how much can
Kristen Chandler Quotes | Maybe the future is like rowing for
Kate DiCamillo Quotes | Perhaps what matters when all is said
robert m drake Quotes | Excuse me, I feel interrupted and I
Jefferson Smith Quotes | There is no such thing as helplessness.
R Karim Quotes | The path i walk lights up in
Nikki Rowe Quotes | You can give illness to her body
J Leigh Bralick Quotes | Sometimes people need to know they could
Aberjhani Quotes | Love as a concrete foundation for an
Luanne Rice Quotes | Look up.
Henryk Sienkiewicz Quotes | Nevertheless, in this sea of human wretchedness
Pat Bluth Quotes | Healing Follows Forgiveness
TF Hodge Quotes | A King and Queen cannot support a
Elizabeth Berg Quotes | There I was, waiting, afraid I’d never
Jerome Groopman MD Quotes | ... omniscience about life and death is
Chimnese Davids Quotes | A changed soul, a forgiven heart, a
Kamand Kojouri Quotes | You only feel powerless because your fear
Matt Vella Quotes | Never take today for granted, tomorrow might
Jocelyn Green Quotes | So much of how we think, feel,
Jude Morgan Quotes | Dullness it is that perverts and corrups
Jay DCee Quotes | Society guides us on the never ending
Jay DCee Quotes | The body receives a surge of energy

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