33 Best lack of knowledge quotes
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.
Opinion is usually something which people have when they lack comprehensive information.
We need all types of knowledge. Why not expand our circle of information?.
The great tragedy is that knowledge-even incomplete-comes late.
All answers to why are information. All answers to how are knowledge.
Human life is infinitesimally small, to grasp the knowledge of the entire Universe.
If you intend to evaluate how your knowledge is applicable, transfer it to others.
To really live a life in search of knowledge, you must admit when you are wrong.
Music is beyond knowledge, as feeling is.
We need affection and tenderness to grow more than knowledge and ideas.
Nowadays, focusing on transferring applicable knowledge is a very challenging task that all teachers face.
Sometimes you don't even know how special you might be. Sometimes it takes moments of horror or happiness to, if you will, unleash that knowledge.
When a man's knowledge is not in order, the more of it he has, the greater is his confusion.
Knowledge is not intelligence.
Wise men seek understanding so that others might gain. To pursue knowledge at all costs is the mark of a true fool.
True Knowledge is a strong relation between brain and heart in which your heart draw a scheme and brain prove it logically correct and practically applicable.
Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?.
Keeping the consistency in seeking knowledge and developing the skills towards achieving your goals are the most important steps in making your dreams come into reality.
Mental slavery is a cheap & easy to find addiction. Knowledge stimulates mental faculties immune system.
An educated person is she or he who knows where or how to acquire knowledge.
Get your knowledge fast, apply faster.
Learning is important, but it is more important to transform learning into wisdom by thinking about your knowledge.
To attain knowledge, learn continuously. To become wise, observe continuously.
The most arduous part of learning is preparing the mind to accept new knowledge.
Self-discovery is the gateway to knowledge.
Knowledge not shared remains unknown.
People love to say that knowledge is power. But the truth is that knowledge is only potential power.
More appealing than knowledge itself is the feeling of knowing.
Begin to convert your time into knowledge and wisdom.
The difference between ignorance and knowledge is conversion.
There is no knowledge like kindness.
An expert is an ordinary person who consistently sought knowledge in a specific field and applied it.
But though our heads are crammed with knowledge, our hearts are empty.
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