43 Best knowledge quotes in islam
We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.
Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.
Everyone lives bound by their own knowledge and awareness. They define that as reality; but knowledge and awareness are vage, and perhaps better called illusions.
What we want to see is the child in pursuit of the knowledge not the knowledge in pursuit of the child.
Knowledge unqualified is knowledge simply of something learned.
There are no limitations to the mind except those that we acknowledge.
Curiosity is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge without courage is sterile.
Man wants three things; life, knowledge, and love.
The meditative mind sees disagreeable or agreeable things with equanimity, patience, and good-will. Transcendent knowledge is seeing reality in utter simplicity. (146).
The world is perishing for lack of the knowledge of God and the Church is famishing for want of His Presence.
Learning is not the accumulation of knowledge, but rather, one thing only: understanding.
If knowledge is power, let's spread it as widely as possible and dilute it to deny those who would abuse it.
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge.
Knowledge is the eye that must direct the foot of obedience.
Knowledge, like money and muck (manure), serves us best when spread evenly.
Knowledge is a Bed of Roses; for Every Beautiful Flower, there are a Dozen Thorns to Match.
Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.
That which others hear or read of, I felt and practised myself; they get their knowledge by books, I mine by melancholizing.
The best of knowledge and righteous acts are those hidden to the people.
Passion for knowledge, motivation for continuous learning.
Only through Beauty's morning-gate, dost thou penetrate the land of knowledge.
The thirst for knowledge is like a piece of ass you know you shouldn't chase; in the end, you chase it just the same.
That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge.
But shortcuts are dangerous; we cannot delude ourselves that our knowledge is further along than it actually is.
It's common platitude that knowledge is neutral but every now and then it would be useful if it was on your side and not theirs.
When I wanted to know something, I wanted it undistorted by somebody else's imperfect knowledge.
Never confuse a hunger for knowledge with a thirst for truth.
The ultimate goal of humanity is knowledge.
The ability to withstand the flinch comes with the knowledge that the future will be better than the past.
A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak.
You may find that knowledge is not so great a thing as belief or hope.
One is seldom unchanged by the death of those one loves. It gives me a deeper knowledge of them, and so of oneself in regard to them.
trichloroethane [...] All my extensive testing has shown this to be the best treatment for a dangerous excess of human knowledge.
We must not attach knowledge to the mind, we have to incorporate it there.
...knowledge imprisons you. You cannot escape it. What you know you cannot unknow. That's why knowledge is dangerous. Learning will redefine your world, irreversibly.
Trivia are not knowledge. Lists of facts don't comprise knowledge. Analyzing, hypothesizing, concluding from data, sharing insights, those comprise knowledge. You can't google for knowledge.
Truth resists being projected into the realm of knowledge.
The phrase ‘popular science’ has in itself a touch of absurdity. That knowledge which is popular is not scientific.
Whoever possessed knowledge not only had power over the changeable passions of people, but also power over their thinking, over their minds, hearts and souls.
The knowledge that we consider knowledge proves itself in action. What we now mean by knowledge is information in action, information focused on results.
Curiosity is a call from knowledge.
Mind of a loving heart is the fountain of knowledge.
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