44 Best knowledge is power quotes
Kindness is sacred knowledge.
The knowledge that teaches love and peace proves its beauty of universal quality.
The road to idiocy is often made up by cooked knowledge which never knew when to not use it.
the inevitable tension between knowledge and innocence.
Knowledge is power, without it we become ignorant towards the truth.
The positive fruit of the revelation of ignorance is nonknowledge, which is not a negation of knowledge but rather its most elaborate form.
The anxiety in knowing that you will lose the power is always more than knowing that you will gain it.
A dog likes people who pat him on the head. That's because his thinking isn't complicated by knowledge and education.
Thoughts and ideas can't die, but they can build, one upon the other until all the knowledge of the universe creates a life of its own.
Can we self-generate knowledge by simply assuming things to be true? Where do assumptions come from?.
Wisdom is being able to act rightfully, beyond the realm of knowledge.
Some knowledge runs deeper than memory.
Knowledge means having the information that water can quench your thirst, whereas understanding is the experience you have while drinking a glass of water after spending hours in thirst.
We know that absolute, though partial, knowledge is possible through Christ.
Since human knowledge is not perfect, a more knowledgeable person is not always right.
Student interest is directly proportional to the depth and breadth of teachers’ knowledge; and student interest is vital to effective teaching.
The vast majority of those who are respected for being knowledgeable have not produced even a single significant opinion or question of their own.
Self-created obstacles often bar our way to accessing our inner wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Accessing our intuition requires welcoming it.
You need not be rich or famous to be intelligent, wise, or knowledgeable. And vice versa.
She did not want to deck herself with knowledge—to wear it loose from the nerves and blood that fed her action.
Knowledge really is power. It yearns to live, to spread, to shine its light on darkness.
Make way for the sweetest humiliation when you underestimate their intelligence while overestimating your knowledge.
Experience is being there, doing that. An endeavor of action and emotion, consistent efforts, taken with time, accumulation of applicable knowledge. The more you do, the more you gain.
My life may without God, without religion, without females but I must not a day without knowledge.
The remedy for ignorance is knowledge. But there is no cure for someone who chooses to remain ignorant.
To create something new, knowledge is essentially required, but not academic degree.
Deep knowledge plus massive action equals outstanding results.
Learning is living, the internal process to make the meaning, the cause of knowledge, the nectar of life.
Renewed knowledge leads to repentance.
Knowledge might be good, but wisdom is wonderful.
Knowledge needs to be recognized as a human right. Without knowledge, our actions are not our own; we are coerced to act in someone else’s interest.
Knowledge may be power but how one utilizes it is the generator.
Every time and place in each of our journeys, has a lot of hidden knowledge, depending on how we can find the gap to reach that knowledge.
Knowledge is not granted by possessing authority but presenting verifiable facts.
All the intellect and knowledge in the world turn dim in front of one simple act of love and kindness.
Companies generally withhold their knowledge that some of their jobs are known to be toxic to their unsuspecting workers.
My knowledge of environmental radiation problems prevents me from allowing the sky to be filled with tens of thousands of biologically toxic satellites.
The process of learning, formation of knowledge, paradigms and systems paradoxically lends itself to the ideals of exclusivity, control and limitations of execution.
The power I exert, I do so because I am wise, and clever, and know something of the turning of the world.
Knowledge is not power. You may know many things, but without influence you can't do anything.
To become an advanced consultant, you can’t simply do more of the same; you need to deepen your knowledge while seeking feedback that allows you to grow as an individual.
There was power in knowledge. Like the gears of a steam engine, the more active knowledge was, the more force it produced.
The curse of much knowledge is often indecision.
The brain doesn’t learn information by rote and then save it somewhere. Instead, it organises knowledge.