48 Best important life lessons quotes
Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.
I've learned... . That being kind is more important than being right.
Time is the single most important resource that we have. Every single minute we lose is never coming back.
...sometimes what you go looking for isn't as important as what you leave behind.
Maybe the answers weren’t important. Maybe it was the asking which mattered. Not taking anything for granted. Maybe that’s what stopped you growing old.
It was the most important art a person could learn: self-control.
The battles you choose not to fight are every bit as important as the ones you do.
He told me it didn't really matter if it was true, it was what the story MEANT that was so important.
Remember, your emotions drive your life. If the driver itself is sick no matter how good your car is, you are bound to face accidents.
Life is precious. Please don’t squander away your spiritual gift, your inherent talent. Use it to live your Life fully, to live it happily!.
Happiness is more than a state of mind - it's a way of life." - Jill Reid.
On this miraculous moment, by divine deliverance, God saved by life from a shooting incidence.
This life is a short journey and Heaven should be destination of this journey.
The rest of my life is a mess, but at least on the pitch I get to do what I love.
Be drunk on Life – for what is, for the way it is! This is the only elixir that works – for Happiness!!.
The most important questions of life do not have any factual answers. Each individual must work out their own answers to these questions.
You always arrive where you must. Such is Life's design. Soak in and celebrate this suchness. You will then always be happy!.
Life has taught me not to shoot messengers, no matter how bad and discouraging the news.
In life's darkest hour, may a light shine on your path.
It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.
As long as you are living, life offers you a chance to live right.
The problem with life is that it knows nothing but to act like life, and the problem for people being they believe it will act otherwise.
Everyone has different ways to think and has a different perspective about life but it doesn't change the reality and the truth.
The sweetest realizations of life cannot be expressed with words.
As soon as we realize there is an end to life, we will begin to live well.
Devote your life to the fulfilment of your dreams.
Death exists, not as the opposite of it but as a part of life.
A man should value his life more than his money.
Disappointments provoke desires and desires provoke disappointments. God uses both of them to build character and teach lessons to us.
For those lost in anxious thoughts, contentment lies covered like fire in dry grass. An Active life is a spark that could set your joy Ablaze.
Life is such a wealth, thereof, should never be wasted.
The greatest lessons in life are not the one's that were only taught but it's the one's that were also learned.
The most important moment is now. Past is done and Future is a variable. So focus on what you need to do now.
The equal opportunity for the living is to live life.
God will ask you what you did with your life.
Live a good life.
Life is not a set of rules to live by rather life is an adventure explored without rules and conditions.
I've decided to confront it. Confront whatever life throws at me, as I always have. However much I can feel, nothing more, nothing less.
Until in your life, you are complaining, its not that you are naive, but surely not mature enough.
Much of life, it seemed, was uncertain.
In trials my whole life transformed by trusting in God, who has the power for triumphal victory.
Life is a challenge, Laura Maria Ciardi, You have to meet it.
A Discipline Lifestyle Has The Same Psychological Effect As A Large Bank Balance".
Love life, live well.
A life with love is happy. A life for love is foolish. A life of if only is unbearable.
Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a gift to be opened.
It's not your time to play around, it's a time to get up and do something precious to create your own delightful life.
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