42 Best hopeful quotes about life
You couldn't erase the past. You couldn't even change it. But sometimes life offered you the opportunity to put it right.
That’s what winter is: an exercise in remembering how to still yourself then how to come pliantly back to life again.
Life isn't just about darkness or light, rather it's about finding light within the darkness.
What can I say about life? Do I praise it for letting you live, or damn it for allowing the rest?.
For every bad thing in life, there are more good things to tip the balance.
What was it about not knowing a person that allowed you to wonder whether she might be the answer to all your problems?.
Life must go on, even if it's no joke...just pretend to believe in the future.
I challenge you to make your life the masterpiece you want to paint, the novel you want to read, the day you want to wake to.
The Rest of Our Life Is Going To Be The Best of Our Life!.
Chapters - Life has many different chapters for us. One bad chapter doesn’t mean the end of the book.
what once cause catastrophe in my life has now become the catalyst for my direction.
When you know that everything matters—that every move counts as much as any other—you will begin living a life of permanent purpose.
Life is not kind. Who are you trying to kid, Kendall?” He sighed.
Life is about celebrating uniqueness, diversity, and then bringing it all together like the varied colors of a rainbow. Different yet connected.
Each life experience poses this question: how do you want to be changed because of me?.
Life is a precious possession...It is what one makes of it. - Charity Duncan.
Death seemed to lose its terrors and to borrow a grace and dignity in sublime keeping with the life that was ebbing away.
What will you do now with the gift of your left life?.
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.
An active orchestrator of life acknowledges missteps, but is nimble in pivoting in the direction of improvement.
Our lives exist as a culmination of prior days; life is in a constant state of adjustment and transformation.
We must be quick to acknowledge our wrongs where possible, and offer amends if our actions have driven a wedge between ourselves and those we care about.
What do you care about?.
For many of us, stability is the price we pay when we choose to shun our aspirations in favor of a predictable lifestyle.
Life is not a static list of checkboxes, which can be methodically completed in a set order.
At times, our greatest comfort can come in entrusting the mysteries of life.
Make today the start of your life’s biggest journey.
In some cases, change may come about abruptly – triggering a tsunami of overwhelming emotion within the mind.
There is strength in acknowledging the temporality of all things in this world, and remaining open-minded throughout the boundless twists and turns of life’s adventure.
If we want to become a more powerful weight lifter, we gradually add weight to grow our muscles. This tweet isn't about lifting weights.
No matter how far we come in life, or how mature we feel we are in a task or process – there is always room for refinement.
We are all on this journey together; we readily benefit from assisting our peers and loved ones no matter the stage of life they reside within.
Be patient with yourself, for we are all on this journey of life together.
We must resist the urge to view life as a series of checkboxes.
The culmination of one’s life experiences come to steer the trajectory of goals and aspirations.
A passive observer of life permits disappointment to permeate their mind, and gives up on the desire to achieve altogether.
Do not wait until it is too late to show appreciation for those who are in your life.
One grows strong through physical exercise by exceeding the limits of prior exercises. This tweet is not about exercise.
Living a meaningful life entails appreciation for the journey and incremental progress, versus a static end-state.
It must not be considered a failure to openly acknowledge a life we are not proud of.
Focusing solely on materialistic aspects of life is misguided, and bound to leave us feeling a sense of emptiness.
I implore you to experiment with different approaches to your own life.
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