31 Best funny happiness quotes
There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.
The basic mistake people make is to think that happiness is the goal!.
Many people see happiness only in their future.
Our country in general assumes that "the pursuit of happiness" really means "the pursuit of pleasure" and that therefore pleasure is the greatest good.
Happiness is so nonsynonymous with joy or pleasure that it is not infrequently sought and felt in grief and deprivation.
Happiness: the feeling of being alive.
But there was happiness elsewhere which no description can reach.
If all our happiness is bound up entirely in our personal circumstances it is difficult not to demand of life more than it has to give.
Settle, for sure and universally, what conduct will promote the happiness of a rational being.
Peace and happiness are powerful weapons against the Egos.
Human unhappiness is evidence of our immortality.
Happiness is essentially a gift; we are not the forgers of our own felicity.
Happiness must preclude false indulgence and physic.
Of all the cankers of human happiness, none corrodes it with so silent, yet so baneful, a tooth, as indolence.
Whence come those mysterious influences which change our happiness into discouragement, and our self-confidence into diffidence?.
People don't get to choose their family, but if you have the family you would choose - that's happiness.
In an established love of reading there is a policy of insurance guaranteeing certain happiness till death.
I am responsible for my own existence and happiness.
When you choose your own way, you lose your happiness.
The history of your happiness is the history of your feeling connected.
One thing I have come to realize is that love is not always happiness.
There is no higher happiness than peace.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness and the happiness of others.
Wearing fake happiness is as good as smearing foundation. A bit of moisture drains it all.
It’s that short-lived happiness, which empowers us to bear; long-lasting pain in living.
To be happy in absolute terms, along with our happiness, all the world must be happy so that we don’t have to worry for anyone!.
Nobody can give you happiness than yourself.
They seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if they had surprised a butterfly in the winter woods.
...because all happiness is contagious, and disarms the spirit of hatred.
Don’t think about happiness. If it doesn’t come, there’s no disappointment; if it does come, it’s a surprise.
i'm too lazy to go find happiness,but i'm sure it will swing by sometime.
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