47 Best faith quotes christian
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
The Christian should work as if all depended upon him, and pray as if it all depended upon God.
Two great European narcotics, Alcohol and Christianity, I know which one I prefer.
Kindness and Love elevate Fear to Faith, Sadness to Joy, and Distress to Peace.
Be a love-nut, not a faith-freak.
Dare, dream, dance, smile, and sing loudly! And have faith that love is an unstoppable force!.
With love, there is faith and hope.
Use resources and put your faith in God. Don't put your faith in your resources and use God.
True faith in Christ turns you into a glow worm ablaze and glowing for the glory of God through Christ.
Many souls seek happiness but rarely do they search it through holiness of faith.
For me, faith was my way of being a better person.
For me, faith was my way of being a better person.
In the ocean of life , we sail merrily in the boat. The rudder is our faith and the winds lead us.
Faith never fails.
Down fall of a man is never the end of his life. He can find faith to rise again,.
If you fail in the first attempt in any field, do not get discouraged but have faith to try again.
Let us love out loud every chance we get; believe in everything we feel; and have faith in where we are.
Fear is putting faith in the wrong kingdom.
Your degree of panic is determined by the degree of faith in God to take care of you!.
Faith fades fear.
a faith without works is an orphan without a home, without family.
Do not lose hope nor faith in any hardship.
Do not faint nor fear but have faith.
The real risk to faith is not to wrestle...
Fact is as necessary as faith.
A life devoid of hope for betterment and faith in God is already in crisis.
Faith grows best in the Petri dish of suffering.
Righteousness of faith leads to refreshment.
The heart is purified by fervent prayer of faith.
We are justfied by holiness of faith through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
Faith is holy obedience to faithful God.
Victory in life is absolute surrender to God in obedience to faith.
The best fellowship is a family of faith.
Faith gives hope.
To love your fellow being is true faith.
Faith is a fire of God.
The faith of a man is his fortune.
Obedience to faith is the fruit of the spirit.
An unexamined faith is not worth having, for it can only be true by accident. A faith worth having is faith worth discussing and testing.
The reality of faith is far better than the fantasy of facts.
It takes faith to stand back up after a fall.
It takes faith to walk away from anything that keeps you away from the face of God.
Embrace the mindset of faith and you will be set free from fear.
When you feel like giving up, have faith and the Creator of the Universe will help you to rise.
When you have faith in God, He will broaden your horizon.
When you have faith, the enemy can never succeed in stopping you from destiny.
When you have faith, you will never be the same again.
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